Mad Mash Beyond the Litterbox

...maiming & mutilating myself in a macabre mustelid madhouse...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Little Disease Carriers

Thank you, naked kitty, Tiki and I especially thank your slave, Kittenagogo, for staying up late reading trashing gossip blogs instead of sleeping or studying for the bar! Tiki explained that his slave found this disgusting picture of Paris Hilton kissing a ferret.

While I am an avid supporter of Paris Hilton, simply because she is the Princess Goddess and everything that I aspire to be, this has knocked her down a peg or two.

I'm sure that the true story is that she found that little critter while it was dumpster diving and she didn't realize what it was. Or maybe she was drunk and mistook it for Tinkerbell. Perhaps since she was in attire similar to that of a homeless person, she was hoping that the public would view her on their pathetic level and kissing rats seems to go along with that persona.

Regardless, while the pictures were frightening, the true pleasure is reading all of the comments! I feel truly blessed to find so many other ferret haters that see them for the truly nasty little varmints that they are! I am personally inviting each of those humans to join my crusade to rid the world of ferrets. At least California has it right!
~Mashed Potato~


At Tuesday, August 15, 2006 2:48:00 AM, Blogger Stine said...

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