Mad Mash Beyond the Litterbox

...maiming & mutilating myself in a macabre mustelid madhouse...

Friday, October 21, 2005

Yeah, It's True

I have a boyfriend! I'm a little nervous because I generally hate other kitties and hiss and spit. But well, I guess it's time to get beyond the "other kitties have cooties" deal. At least a little bit. I still don't know about sharing my stuff. Not anywhere ready for that yet. Good thing it is a long distance relationship...

Did you notice that my first boyfriend is HOT! I must be as beautiful as I think I am!

Also, notice that there are now, at least, five full-fledged kitty blogs in cyberspace now. And all of you humans said it could never happen. Who's laughing now???
~Mashed Potato~


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