Mad Mash Beyond the Litterbox

...maiming & mutilating myself in a macabre mustelid madhouse...

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Raining Cats and Dogs...

It was quite loud here today. Much booming and flashing, loud stuff smacking off of the windows--I'm never sure what is out there, but today it was noisy and there was a weird smell in the air. It was enough to get the slave up and awake, which is never an easy feat...

The slave came home later and told me that some people believe that cats bring rain when they sleep on their heads (not sure exactly what she means by that); but she said that a little boy that she works with beat his cat today because he was supposed to go swimming and couldn't because it was raining. And it was the cat's fault for sleeping on it's head... Wonder if now that she knows, I will get the spray bottle for that too?

Thankfully, she is again considering going to Missouri, in addition to New Orleans and Florida. That means I can go stay with my Godmommy and Uncle Jim even more this year--they are so much nicer than the slave. They understand the royalty that I am and treat me as I should be. I'll have to deal with Enchan, Snip, the Dragoness, Seren, Anchoo, Alf and Chantell--which means chasing and being chased--and I'll have to play Prisoner of War again, which I really do not care for--but I'll get increased treats and a bed time snack instead of just the morning stuff--I can't wait! I guess Kitty Food is happily scampering around in mouse heaven; but it sounds like some new ones have moved in, I can't wait to meet them! OOOooo, and my Godmommy has that cool lid I like rolling around on... I wish the slave would go away all of the time...
~Mashed Potato~


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